Bubble size
The bubble size of a gas to be dissolved in a liquid affects the solubility of the same. The gas exchange area increases with decreasing bubble size which, in turn, increases the potential of dissolving a gas in liquid.
With the solution of gases in liquids, the term ‘solubility’ designates a coefficient indicating the amount of gas dissolved in the liquid in diffusion balance with the gas space in relation to the gas pressure. We differentiate between the ‘qualitative solubility’ (does the material dissolve in a certain solvent in a detectable quantity?) and the ‘quantitative solubility’ (which amount of substance can be dissolved in the unit volume of a particular solvent?).
With regard to the dissolution of gases in liquids (processing of drinking water, carbonisation of all types of beverages, etc.) STRIKO strives to realize the optimal dissolution of a gas in a liquid by using appropriate mixing elements, properly dimensioned mixing tubes and optimal dosing devices. This depends, in addition to the bubble size which should be in the µm range, also on the parameters of pressure and temperature and on the media themselves.